How To Write An Effective Blog Post
There are many ways to write a blog post, but when it comes to writing an effective blog post, you should follow some steps!
Any person can start a blog and write posts. What keeps your readers coming back? Here are some helpful tips for writing an effective blog post and keeping your audience interested in what you have to say.
Create An Outline
Before you begin writing a blog post on a difficult subject, you may find it beneficial to create an outline. Outlines may seem outdated to you, but your reader will thank you! When you start with an outline, you are creating a template that will make it easier for you to make the topic make sense
Here is an example of how to create an outline:Â
- INTRODUCTION (include focus keywords)
- A captivating lead paragraph addressing the main idea (typically 2-3 sentences)
- Supporting points of the main idea (typically 2-3 sentences)
- Supporting points of the main idea (typically 2-3 sentences)
- Supporting points of the main idea (typically 2-3 sentences)
- Create a compelling call to action.
Put It All Together
Once you have your outline filled out, now you can begin developing the paragraphs. When you begin writing, it can become difficult to see which words have been repeated, what ideas have already been discussed, and what you might be forgetting. With the outline, it is easier to see what you need to make your post compelling. Rearrange your supporting points to create a flowing blog post and end it with a compelling call-to-action.Â
Depending on your blog, the CTA will vary. Typically, it would be about finding more information, contacting the writer or business, or even answering a question. The CTA changes for each post and depends on the needs of the blog itself.
ALWAYS Proofread and Edit
Okay. I am SUPER guilty of this. Especially with my passion project blog, but this is important. Proofread and consider the following:
- Does this post make sense?
- What is the point I am trying to make?
- Do I actually make the point?
- Check for spelling and grammar errors.
Finally: Publish Your Blog Post
This is the easy part! Make sure you include images, links, a featured photo, and fill out the SEO section. This will help to take your blog to the next level.
So, now you are ready to publish an effective blog post! For more blogging tips, check out blogging tips.
If you would like to hire us for freelance blog writing, feel free to contact us.
Until we meet again,