Blogging Tip: Create A Schedule For Your Blog Posts

How To Create A Schedule For Your Blog Content

Setting up a schedule for your blog is easy. Sticking with the schedule may be the biggest hurdle! Here are some tips on how to get started making a schedule for your blog.

As a freelancer, I have two separate areas that I focus on: social media and blogging. When I work with Moody Blue Media, it is my goal to combine the two as I have noticed most keep these areas separate.

In one of my side gigs as a social media writer, I have noticed a common problem: the lack of blog content. Many places require that their blog posts are advertised each week on their social channels but do not want the same blog posts shared each time. This would not be an issue if they had new blog posts available each week. With most problems come a solution:

Plan a schedule for your blog posts!

Blogging Tip: Create A Schedule For Your Blog Posts
Photo by Ann H from Pexels

Blogging may be a side hustle, hobby, or a small area of your business. It is important to schedule posts in advance to keep your audience engaged. Scheduled posts increase your overall reach and having a regular flow of content can do wonders for your audience and insights. 

Of course it takes brainstorming to come up with blog writing ideas, but content creators are experts in this area. When you post regularly on your blog, you are notifying your subscribers and creative content that can be shared across your social media channels. Having a blog sit dormant can be a pain when trying to build an audience back up. 

Set up your schedule

Blogging Tip: Make A Schedule
Photo by Jess Bailey from Pexels

A blog schedule does not have to be fancy. I manage multiple blogs and social media schedules through Google sheets. 


Blogging Tip: Make Deadlines
Photo by EnikĹ‘ TĂłth from Pexels

Make sure to give yourself soft and hard deadlines. Meaning giving yourself specific content that needs to go out on a specific date and other content that is more flexible. This will make your goals seem attainable and not completely overwhelm you. 

Number of posts per week

Blogging Tip: Schedule Multiple Posts
Photo by Jessica Lewis from Pexels

This number totally depends on what you want for your blog. My recommendation is to give yourself goals that are reachable. That being said, start small with 1-2 posts a week and then move it up. If you are dedicating five days a week to your blog, it is possible to keep rolling content out! Try not to push yourself too much in the beginning. 

Creating your schedule

Blogging Tip: Schedule Posts and Make A Calendar
Photo by Bich Tran from Pexels

When actually filling out your calendar, consider which type of content your readers respond to the most and try to generate more of that. Try giving them something to look forward to each week with a quote for social media and corresponding blog post to share. Consider how the blog posts will appear on social media and if it will be engaging. Try new ideas and squat those that don’t make sense. Pay close attention to days and specific trends associated. 

Our calendar

Blogging Tip: Our Calendar
Photo by Bich Tran from Pexels

When it comes to creating our calendars, we have a two-year calendar that is filled with various topics and quotes we want to post about. Towards the end of each month, we pull the next month’s calendar and consider if the posts are current with the trends. This is where we make changes and updates that make sense for the industry and our business. By the end of this process, we have a complete calendar for the next month and start grinding through blog posts and social content. 

This is the process we bring with us to businesses that request our services. It is our goal to set your blog and social accounts up for success and alleviate the pressure of not knowing where to begin. 

If you are needing assistance in setting up a blog and social media schedule, please reach out! We would be more than happy to help you. 

Until next time, 



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