Blogging and Social Media: Why the two go hand-in-hand
Blogging is an important tool in marketing, and if you aren’t promoting on social media … well, you might be blogging wrong.
In the past I have worked for major corporations and discovered many keep their blogging teams and social media teams very separate. While obtaining my Masters in Arts degree, I studied the importance of combining efforts and really focusing on what the audience wants to learn. Though people are able to subscribe to a blog, not many want emails each time a brand they love makes a new post. Can you imagine receiving 10-15 emails a day from one single blog?
Social media is definitely something marketers are no longer able to ignore. I recall working within a marketing department, specifically on their social media team, with marketing executives not understanding the purpose in even having social media accounts but understood the importance of a blog. From here, it was my responsibility to prove to them our worth. Instead of preaching my beliefs, I gave them something they were unable to argue with – results!
For the most part, the people who are going to read your blog are the same people who will follow you on social media. That being said, not all the people that follow you on social media will read your blog – especially if you are not using your platforms to market your blog! Here are some reasons why you should:
1. Content marketing is essential to the overall strategy of most organizations
With the future looking digital, the longer organizations fight the digital way of marketing the less likely they will exist in the future. Have a content strategy that speaks for your organization and the goals and the needs of the audience. Avoid posting just to post – quality over quantity wins every time. You are bound to have an audience that trusts you more!
2. Blogging represents the company brand in an industry and their expertise – why not share that on social!
Social media users follow companies to learn more about them and decide if they will become a consumer. Share your expertise with them and build trust. Social media only allows so many characters – take advantage of your blog and let social media users know you!
3. It is easier to build up an audience on social than it is with blogging.
Though many might argue this, I believe it to be true. Look at how many users are on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. Building up a social following can lead to larger readership numbers on your blog. Though social users might not respond the same as subscribers to your blog, you can take the time to learn what content they respond best to by checking social analytics! Your audience will tell you exactly what they want if you are willing to listen!
What it all comes down to is your content calendar. Create an overall editorial calendar consisting of your social channels and your blog. Be picky about which posts are shared to a specific platform. Remember that not all social media networks are created equal. Even though it is important to maintain your brand’s voice, it is also just as important to remember your audience.
Until next time,